Hello World...
Ok, so this isn't a blog about programing or anything but I feel the same way about my new project as I did when those first lines of code appeared on my IBM PC Jr 25 or so years ago... Very excited but wondering if I had the capabilty to do more.
I am not really a typical "motor head" but I do fancy myself as mechanically inclined and I know what I like when I see it. I have been looking for something to tool around in on the weekends for some time. I really didn't think of myself as a car restoration guy until I found this...

She is a 1960 MG MGA Roadster. It was in a barn in Tennessee for about 20 years and recently garaged in a town nearby. The poor fellow that owned it is relocating for work and couldn't bring it with him. His wife was pretty happy to see it go but I think I detected a slight tear in his eye.
So here I go... I plan to restore it to her former self. If this works here is what I am shooting for...
Baby steps, baby steps...
Step 1. Drive her home the 10 miles from where its been sitting for a couple of years. Last time I did this my grandfather pushed my $400 Buick Skylark most of the way with his van... Gramps, hope your watching out for me on this one.
Stay tuned...
Someday, she's going to be a beaut!
ReplyDeleteToo funny - where are you going to garage it to get this project going? Amy was very excited - she's always wanted one - you'll have to give her a ride once it's done.
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ReplyDeleteYea... Not sure about the garage part yet.... I will have to find a place for the winter. A nice heavy duty cover should work for now.
ReplyDeleteOK I'll try to post a comment once more. Love the pictures, really love the DD trip picture - both Moose and Jeff look happy. So did Gail lose her parking spot in the driveway?
ReplyDeleteOK Looks like I can post a comment if I tell the profile I'm anonymous - so Anonymous AKA Mom