After almost a two month hiatus I was back working on the MG this weekend. With all my new gear I was anxious to get to the next phase, welding. I had practiced in the basement a few times over the past month but after l caught the welding directions on fire I was banned to the shed…
I have a small heater now to take the curse off. It works quite well and I was down to just my shirt in pretty short order.
I started back in by finishing up removing the door pillar. I had purchased a new one and the one that was on the car was pretty beat up. Before I can replace it I need to finish off the inner sill replacement.
With the bad parts cut away it was time to start adding stuff back on. This is my first *official* new weld onto the car. This was not accomplished without a high amount of anxiety…
After a bit of grinding I was pretty happy with the results. Note, better welding = less grinding.
From there it was off to section under the front door pillar.
A bit more grinding and some primer and Walla! Good as new (almost…)